Here at van Doesburg Creative Works, we are excited to share stories that focus on experiential learning. These stories are perfect for your family to read this holiday season!
Share in LYSAN's journey as her self-doubt—“I wish I did not have to look like me. Is this why everyone looks at me differently?”—transforms with a new Kindergarten friend.
Written by Sandra Shiwani van Doesburg and illustrated by Kanchan Burathoki.

Dive into "NAMASTE," illustrated by Karuna Giri, and join us on an exciting journey through mountains, musical instruments, animals, patterns, and more.

Discover the wonder of the Himalayas with "ARE YOU A SNOW LEOPARD?" Follow Hiuko, a snow leopard, on his quest for friendship.
Written by Sandra Shiwani van Doesburg, illustrated by Kanchan Burathoki.

*Books are available in English and German*

Our Creative Works
Our Creative Works children's books are the perfect combination of curiosity and adventure. Our stories are designed to help kids explore their imaginations and develop their creativity, all while having fun and getting lost in the exciting worlds we create. Whether it's a bedtime story or an afternoon read, our books are sure to be a hit with kids of all ages.
Our English Collection
Our German Collection
„Ich wünschte, ich hätte einen Freund“, wundert sich Hiuko, ein einsamer Schneeleopard.
Eines Tages beschließt sie, sich auf die Suche zu machen. Auf ihrer Reise begegnet sie mehreren – einem braunen Yak, einem blauen Schaf, einem Schwarzbären und einem roten Panda.
Am Ende reflektiert sie, wie die Suche nach einem Freund sie zu vielen führte.
2 - 5 yrs old

* All transactions will be processed in Swiss Francs (CHF)